Friday, October 31, 2008

Another indoor offroad track?!

I saw a thread on about another indoor offroad electric track under construction in SoCal :) This track is supposed to be located in Norwalk, just north of OCRC in Huntington Beach. While I think its cool to see another indoor track open, but I think it would more successful if it was located someplace else. Maybe closer to the Riverside/Corona/Temecula area? In the 90's you had SoCal in the OC and MnM in the IE. These tracks were successful for a long time, probably because they were spread out enough that each track had a pool of local racers that attended weekly club races :) Both tracks also had great dirt!

I wish them the best of luck, and I'll probably go check it out if the track opens :) But, it's gonna be tough outdoing OCRC!

Here's the new track's site-->


Joe Chen said...

Wow... Guess we'll have to set up a Mini-Z track there too! :)

Kevin Deselms said...

They don't have to out-do OC/RC to do well. I definitely think there's room for another indoor off-road facility and they aren't going to be competing with OC/RC really - they're going to attract a different crowd. I suspect a lot of the Hot Rod guys will go, if only for the fact that it's likely to be be better groomed & maintained than Hot Rod and will be for electric only.

Yeah Joe, set up a Mini-Z track there and I won't have to drive two hours to OC/RC anymore lol :)

ra99gt said...

Maybe you're right that they don't have to out-do OCRC to do well. I only say that because OCRC has ammenities that most tracks don't. Like TV's with live scoring and race results with lap times available on the net.

I do hope they do well, since it would be nice to have more than one indoor track again :) In fact, I already heard that he plans to open a 2nd facility and host a couple of JBRL races! So I guess its looking good :)

West Coast R/C Raceway said...

I know the guy that is building the track in Norwalk. I can assure that the track is going to be awesome! I admit OC/RC is a sick track I know Danny is going to put his heart and soul into this track to make it the best.