Thursday, February 25, 2010

New West Coast Offroad Hours!

West Coast has changed their weekend offroad racing start times! These new hours should make for getting home at a more reasonable hour.

Saturday- open 10am, racing at 6pm!
Sunday- open 10am, racing at 1pm!



Kevin Deselms said...

So which one are you going to do, Saturday or Sunday :) I still want to get out there and try some RCGT action on a Saturday. I'm sitting here with my life in boxes around me, the movers are coming in the morning...and of course, the PC is the last thing to get packed!

ra99gt said...

hahaha! ya i alway pack my laptop and router last! most likely saturday, but with a 1pm start time now, sunday is not out of the question. so which ever day fits my schedule the best that particular weekend will be the day i'll go. but, i probably won't run again until right before the jbrl. busy learing to snowboard right now :)