Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Saturday Club Racing, SDRC Raceway, 6/20/20

In Heat 1, I finished 4th with a 16:17, fast lap of 19.163, average lap of 19.865, and consistency of 98.19%!.  I made 2 driving mistakes, but had 0 crashes.  

In Heat 2, I finished 3rd with a 16:12, fast lap of 18.663, average lap of 19.539, and consistency of 97.00%.  I made 3 driving mistakes, but had 0 crashes.  

I qualified 3rd for the A main and finished 5th with a 15:18, fast lap of 18.775, average lap of 21.354, and consistency of  93.73%.  I made 7 driving mistakes and crashed 9 times, effectively blowing out.  Since I was in last place I decided to try clearing the center table top for fun.  I cleared it 3 times and crashed 4 times, for a 43% success rate.  Way too low to do when racing for position!  

Busy today!

Thinking of pitting alone in this corner for "social distancing".

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