Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2nd Annual Pumpkin Pie Nationals at SDRC, 11/27/19

Since I had the day off from work on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving this year, I decided to race that night.  Apparently this was the 2nd Annual Pumpkin Pie Nationals!  At this race the winner of each class gets a Costco pumpkin pie and there's a pie eating contest before the mains.  Fun!

Unfortunately for me I strip the composite gears in my center diff during Heat 1.  I was running in 4th when the diff stripped enough that I wasn't able to clear the triple or step up leading onto the straight.  My fast lap was 18.156 with a consistency of 93.7% before I broke.

I wasn't able to start Heat 2, since I was still trying to replace the composite gears with the stock metal ones.  I was close though.  I was reassembling the diff just as the 2nd Heat started to warm-up, but I still had to get it back in the buggy.

Since I didn't finish either Heat race I would start last, 9th of 9 cars.  By lap 8 I worked my way up to 4th and was chasing down the top 3 cars.  Third place makes a mistake and I pass him for 3rd.  On the last lap the 2nd place car makes a mistake and needs a marshal.  I follow him over the hip jump and land on top of his car by accident!  Opps!  I was able to get off his car without needing a marshal and make it over the line to claim 2nd!  Not the cleanest way, but it's just a club race?  I was driving a bit aggressive, after not completing both my heat races.  I completed the main in 2nd with a 16:16, fast lap of  18.084, and consistency of 92.96%.  The winner's consistency was 94.09%.  I really need to stop crashing and get my consistency above 95%!

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