Saturday, October 8, 2016

Corner weighting

I decided to pick up the SkyRC corner weight scale system sold by Fantom Racing.  I wanted to corner weight my 22 3.0 with laydown gearbox because all the power wires are on the left side of the chassis, and I thought the cross weights would be off.

Confirmed. My 22 cross weight was at 49/51%. To adjust this I raised the ride height 1 turn on the lightest tire (1 round of wedge added to the right front-299.2g).  Oh and I used my DE setup wheels for corner weighting, as I wanted to remove the effect of different tire weights and focus only on the chassis. 

After adding wedge to the right front, the weight on that tire increased to 304.1g and the cross weight changed to 50/50% :)  The weight on the left rear also increased, while the weights of the left front and right rear decreased (the opposite cross weight). 

While I was at it I also checked my B5m. 

No adjustment needed!  The cross weight was at 50/50%

Another interesting measurement was the front and rear weight bias. On the B5m with standup gearbox it was 37/63% and on the 3.0 laydown was at 41/59%. The laydown gearbox shifted the weight forward by 4%, compared to the standup gearbox in the B5m. 

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