Friday, September 5, 2008

B44 build, night #2

I wasn't able to find the right shock ball end, so my rear shocks aren't built yet. I want the latest version of this part, coming off the newer mold. It has more material around the eyelet hole and has the cavity #'s of the mold on the part.

I was able to assembly most of the front and rear gearboxes and suspension, but I still need a few parts before I can complete them. I need extra diff shims to tighten the gear mesh of the diffs, since I've heard of them stripping under heavy load and titanium hinge pins to replace the heavy stock steel ones (I always run Lunsford titanium hinge pin in all my cars). Once I get these parts I can finally put everything together and it will start looking like a buggy vs a pile of parts :)

I also still need to pick up a Lipo battery brace from Diggity Designs (, but they're still out of stock :( I guess I'll have to come up with some other method to hold the Lipo in the car until they are available again.

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